Thursday, 12 March 2020

how to bake textures from maya camera projection.


step02: (click options box and adjust settings)

step3: click that option highlighted ^


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

jagged aliasing on very bright objects - vray maya. or any other renderers i guess

sup sup . I'm definitely not the best at keeping blogs updated. ahahha.

Topic for the day: jagged aliasing on very bright objects - vray maya. (what I used)

Facing this problem where I've got really aliased hot highlights on the phone edge, where the vray lights were probably too strong.

chanced upon awesome forums again:

notably, these few solutions:

Monday, 11 June 2018

shadow bias of light creating black line at intersection.

Problem: shadow bias of light creating black line at intersection.

render image:               

shadow pass:                 

Found out that it was actually the light's shadow bias causing it. so we'll just have to adjust the shadow bias value to get rid of the issue.


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

personal thread: random notes for houdini class


$HIP  :  path of where current houdini file is located at.

centroid explanation:

centroid usage:
centroid(<SOP path>, <dimension type>)Returns the X, Y, or Z position of the center of the bounding box. “dimension type” can be one of these:
D_X, D_Y, D_Z

great references for beginner houdini users (#me):


$OS (need to be in CAPS): operator string. contains current operator's name

19/5/18Arc length definition and how to use it

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

awesome vray blog

hi guys. i know it's been pretty dead on this blog. but i'm here to document a vray blog website that looks rather interesting. Just that.. it's in chinese.*sweats.
Damn. time to brush up on my chinese i guess ahahha

Saturday, 16 September 2017

reference - genting resort world bts

genting resort world - making of video.
Kinda wanted to learn how to take behind the scenes footage during shoots, and editing.
Good ref to start with hahah

Thursday, 17 August 2017

all kinds of different tuts and websites to visit

carl burton gifs ♥ -

sculpting model from zbrush tutorial, with rendering. -

vray scans with marvelous designer tutorial -

explanation for substance painter maps -

texturing xyz tut (photogrammetry scans)-

texturing xyz girl realistic face tut-

interesting websites recommendation -

allegorithimic forum: vray export problems -

vraysun explanation. really good and detailed. -
either that or you can go to vray's documentation page|VRaySun-sizeMultiplier

Thursday, 20 July 2017

dabarti tutorials

hi guys. kinda forgot about this blog after dwelling my head too much in work and procrastinating in my free time hahah.  but im backkk.

so post for today is about dabarti studio that does quite amazing cgi work. i'm particularly impressed by the way they do their textures and lighting. which is what i'm currently trying to improve on.

got a tutorial from their site. kinda just posting it here so that i can refer to it in the future. and also for you guys who happen to see this blog hahahhah

Sunday, 2 April 2017

vray opacity/speedtree exporting

quick post about vray opacity as well. heard from my supervisor that opacity map is heavy during rendering. like it takes alot more time to calculate maps with opacity thus taking a toll on render time.

I got to know that from a speedtree example. When we are exporting animated/static trees from speedtree. there is a option that allows us to use cutout leafs instead of exporting them as a planes, thereby saving us time when we bring the trees in to maya to render as there's no opacity to calculate. there was something else that he mentioned but i forgot hahah. anyways it'll be less problematic. :D

anw nights guys.... byebyee :D

premiere pro bit depth issue

hey guys, it's been a while since i updated this blog. my bad haha.
recently in my company we've been doing this big project that has been going on for ages, like months and we're finally near the finishing end. however we're facing an issue with bit depths as we've been doing our edits in premiere pro. which is okay i suppose. if we're not planning on doing any post-production with the export from premiere. however we were /might be doing some grading/overall colorcorrection on the film thus we've needed to export the video out at at least 16 bits. or higher. JUST TO PUT IT HERE as a reminder for all of us.
saw this information in this website. : ""

max output from premiere is only 10 bits. & max input is 16 bits.
whereas for after effects, the max input and output are at 32 bits :D

gotta read up more on that. but it's good knowing stuff like that for future projects.
heard from my colleague that DPX format is also being used during rendering for vfx related footages as nuke works better with DPX? read up more on thattt ;D

information about color depth :