Tuesday, 25 September 2018

jagged aliasing on very bright objects - vray maya. or any other renderers i guess

sup sup . I'm definitely not the best at keeping blogs updated. ahahha.

Topic for the day: jagged aliasing on very bright objects - vray maya. (what I used)

Facing this problem where I've got really aliased hot highlights on the phone edge, where the vray lights were probably too strong.

chanced upon awesome forums again: https://forums.chaosgroup.com/forum/v-ray-for-3ds-max-forums/v-ray-for-3ds-max-general/61445-jagged-aliasing-on-very-bright-objects

notably, these few solutions:

Monday, 11 June 2018

shadow bias of light creating black line at intersection.

Problem: shadow bias of light creating black line at intersection.

render image:               

shadow pass:                 

Found out that it was actually the light's shadow bias causing it. so we'll just have to adjust the shadow bias value to get rid of the issue.


Tuesday, 17 April 2018

personal thread: random notes for houdini class


$HIP  :  path of where current houdini file is located at.

centroid explanation:

centroid usage:
centroid(<SOP path>, <dimension type>)Returns the X, Y, or Z position of the center of the bounding box. “dimension type” can be one of these:
D_X, D_Y, D_Z

great references for beginner houdini users (#me): https://www.andynicholas.com/?p=1344&cpage=1


$OS (need to be in CAPS): operator string. contains current operator's name

19/5/18Arc length definition and how to use it

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

awesome vray blog

hi guys. i know it's been pretty dead on this blog. but i'm here to document a vray blog website that looks rather interesting. Just that.. it's in chinese.*sweats.
Damn. time to brush up on my chinese i guess ahahha
