Friday 20 May 2016

exporting ma. files to after effects for compositing (exporting camera data)

Great tutorial with explanation :

Exporting camera data in maya to after effects so as to add 2d objects in  to 3d space in after effects.

** for compositing rendered image and elements that you want to add inside after effects.

1. 2 types of file format that can support camera data.

Discreet RLA/RPF (RLA, RPF; 16 bpc; imports camera data)
Maya camera data (MA)

2. adding locators in your scene. (eg. for the floor, areas where you wanna add additional elements like text in AE)

3. renaming them to null objects. (eg. null_floor_01 , null_text_01)  
-as the amount of locators increased it would be confusing so best to stick with a consistent naming convention for null objects.

4. baking camera animation (edit > keys > bake simulation)

** (locators can be set according to orientation of object if needed.. for comping)

5. Cleaning up maya file by deleting all the other objects except for the nulls and camera, then save as another.

6. done! import to AE

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